Sarà un ottobre stimolante in tutto il Mediterraneo, con mostre, premiazioni, concerti, incontri e film da non perdere.
Sarà un ottobre stimolante in tutto il Mediterraneo, con mostre, premiazioni, concerti, incontri e film da non perdere.
Inizia un novembre ricco di incontri mediterranei: cinema, dibattiti e mostre a Barcellona, Parigi, Roma e Abu Dhabi.
Atmosphere in Paris after Brussels terrorism attacks (Ph. Silvia Dogliani).
Out of school. Paris after Brussels attacks
If you are a Spanish speaking journalist under 26 who wish to work in Paris, there is an opportunity for you.
A Parigi, le bandiere erano listate a lutto un anno fa, dopo l'attacco armato alla sede del settimanale satirico "Charlie Hebdo", in cui persero la vita 12 persone. Una photogallery per non dimenticare.
"We are family" is the theme chosen for the 5th edition of Photoquai (PHQ5), the biennial of photography organized in Paris until the 22nd of November 2015.
In "Point Zero" photojournalist Muzaffar Salman met traders, farmers, truck drivers, laborers and students of medicine, philosophy, history ... all of them were demanding freedom. From the 5th of May until the 15th of September 2015 "La Maison des journalistes" will host in Paris Salman's photo…
Venezia-Parigi: presso la Maison de l'Italie de la Cité Universitaire de Paris, proiezione di un documentario che esalta la bellezza della laguna di Venezia.
Où en est l’état de l’égalité entre hommes et femmes au Maroc ? Débat sur les femmes marocaines Jeudi 18 décembre à 18h30 au Institut du monde arabe à Paris (Ph. Silvia Dogliani).
The 18th edition of "Paris Photo" will take place on the 13th of November 2014 until the 16th at the Grand Palais in Paris.
Are you ready to realized a video that increases the awareness of the importance of cultural heritage present in Italy, Tunisia and Lebanon, promoting understanding of the cultures of the three countries and enriching the intercultural dialogue? Get involved.
A walk of great satisfaction between culture and visions, searching for Mediterranean photos: landscapes, portraits and projects.
Pirelli calendar 2013 has been presented also in France. Focusméditerranée met photographer Steve McCurry in Paris and asked him to explain what's behind his reportage pictures and the choice of using top models socially involved.
Guai ad augurare "joyeux Noël" ai francesi!
FocusMéditerranée is an independent online magazine – blog format launched in 2011 by the Italian photo-journalist Silvia Dogliani as a place of dialogue between the two sides of the Mediterranean.