It’s ironic that 15 years after the Luxor massacre the Muslim Brotherhood is in the seat of power and Mubarak is wasting away in jail.
A parallelism offered by American reporter Norbert Schiller between the Middle East of yesterday and today, with a focus on Egypt. |E’ un parallelismo proposto dal reporter americano Norbert Schiller tra il Medio Oriente di ieri e di oggi, con una particolare attenzione all’Egitto, dove l’autore ha vissuto per quasi vent’anni.
It’s ironic that 15 years after the Luxor massacre the Muslim Brotherhood is in the seat of power and Mubarak is wasting away in jail.
After Egyptian President, Anwar Sadat, was gunned down by Islamic militants on 6th of October 1981, in Egypt there was this underlying fear that more assassinations were eminent. Nobody was more aware of this than Hosni Mubarak
At 03:30 in the morning of 2nd of August 1990 I received a call: “Did you get a Kuwaiti visa?”. This was the beginning of my Gulf War journey. The Iraqi invasion could not have come at a better time for Egypt’s Last Pharaoh, although economically…
My last and most memorable image of Muammar Gaddafi is the night we spent in Cairo, at the Egyptian Museum!
If 1987 was the year that Aida made a triumphant return to Egypt, then 1989 was the year Mubarak was crowned homecoming king!
Peres and Mubarak ended the Alexandria summit with a joint declaration affirming their desire to make 1987 “a year of negotiations for peace.” Now Mubarak is once again in the spotlight: this time not as a peace-make, but accused of murder
Norbert Schiller - American photojournalist - was a student at the American University of Cairo (AUC) in the late 1970s and early 1980s, while Mubarak was Sadat’s vice president. "Egypt's Last Pharaoh" is Norbert's memories of this no ordinary leader (for Italian use the translator)
FocusMéditerranée is an independent online magazine – blog format launched in 2011 by the Italian photo-journalist Silvia Dogliani as a place of dialogue between the two sides of the Mediterranean.