The European Investment Bank (EIB) seeks talented young individuals who can help to contribute towards improving people’s lives by promoting economic and social progress in the Mediterranean partner countries.
The EIB is currently launching a new recruitment campaign for its FEMIP Internship Programme. Until the 5th of December 2014 interested candidates must submit their applications online.
The goal of the FEMIP Internship Programme is to offer successful candidates an opportunity to improve their skills as well as the experience of working in an international multicultural environment.
The call is open to students whose nationality is of one of the Mediterranean partner countries (Algeria, Egypt, Gaza/West Bank, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia). Candidates must have a university degree or attend the last year of university.
The EIB will pay a flat rate monthly allowance to assist in their living expenses and will provide reimbursement of travel expenses (one round trip from/to the point of origin/residence for up to 6 months internship or two in the case of 10 to 12 month assignments). Interns will be responsible for their own accommodation costs.
Each successful candidate will commit themselves to a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months in the Programme, to be spent at the EIB Headquarters in Luxembourg or at one of the External Offices
Click here for more information
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Scade venerdì 5 dicembre il bando lanciato dalla Banca europea d’investimenti (Bei)all’interno del programma di stages al FEMIP, il braccio operativo nel bacino del Mediterraneo dell’istituto finanziario europeo. Un’occasione da non perdere per chi desidera migliorare le proprie competenze e, soprattutto, vivere un’esperienza professionale in un contesto di lavoro multiculturale internazionale.
Hai una laurea o frequenti l’ultimo anno di un corso universitario di finanza, economia, ingegneria, scienze ambientali o pianificazione urbana? Sei un cittadino di uno dei Paesi partner del Mediterraneo (Algeria, Egitto, Gaza/Cisgiordania, Israele, Giordania, Libano, Marocco, Siria e Tunisia)? Sei pronto a fare un’esperienza internazionale di sei mesi o di un anno? Clicca qui e manda la tua candidatura. La Bei coprirà i costi di uno o due viaggi di andata e ritorno e le spese mensili. I costi per l’alloggio saranno, invece, a carico degli stagiaire.