The UNHCR has created an online platform for refugees looking for new opportunities La UNHCR ha ideato una piattaforma online per i rifugiati in cerca di nuove opportunità. (Ph. Heylagostechie - Unsplash)
The UNHCR has created an online platform for refugees looking for new opportunities La UNHCR ha ideato una piattaforma online per i rifugiati in cerca di nuove opportunità. (Ph. Heylagostechie - Unsplash)
Un bando per stimolare giovani artisti di aree svantaggiate a creare progetti culturali che abbiano come focus la comunità.
On July 2019, the College of Europe will organize in Bruges and Brussels its first Summer School on Euro-Arab Relations.
THE NEXT SOCIETY launches its 2nd call for applications to join the Start-up Booster Track, the tailor-made support programme for entrepreneurs in the MENA region.
A whole year to work on issues ranging from EuroMed policies, Arab world and Socioeconomic development to Culture, Gender or Communications. Call for 2019 scholarships
Cultural heritage is a shared value and a sign of identity in villages and towns, natural landscapes and emblematic centuries. Partecipate in the 11th year of the literary contest "A Sea of Words".
Donne e opportunità è il tema del nuovo bando lanciato da EJC, European Journalism Center per gli esperti di comunicazione.
The 12th edition of the "Samir Kassir Award for Freedom of the Press" has been launched also this year. This award comes in an era of walls that are being erected everywhere around the world, said the president of the Samir Kassir Foundation.
EUROMED Invest project has launched a digital library to empower Euro-Med business and investment networks.
A Master Class will be organized by the EU-funded EUROMED Invest to meet the growing demand of small cultural enterprises. Fifteen Tunisian startups will be involved (Ph. Silvia Dogliani)
If you are a Spanish speaking journalist under 26 who wish to work in Paris, there is an opportunity for you.
Are you a freelance designer? Do you own a business? The EU-funded project for the ‘Development of Clusters in Cultural and Creative Industries in the Southern Mediterranean’ is looking for product designers in Egypt. Apply now.
Comunicazione, ufficio stampa ed eventi: l'Istituto per gli studi di politica internazionale (ISPI) cerca tirocinanti a Milano.
Are you a journalist or a reporter? Take part to the 9th edition of the Anna Lindh Mediterranean Journalist Award. Submit your work until 1 September 2015.
Apply until the 30th of June to partecipate to a training programme organised by the EU-funded programme SWITCH-Med.
The European Commission has published a call for proposal for Cultural diplomacy projects in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Egyptian online newspaper Al- Ahram is looking for writers for the section "Arts and culture".
Erasmus+ is the new EU programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport for the period 2014-2020. An Information Day was organized in Lebanon to offer more individual grants for students from Southern Mediterranean countries wishing to study in European Union countries.
"Business Focus Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente": dal 19 settembre a Milano si apre un corso per imparare a fare business nei Paesi del Nord Africa, del Medio Oriente e del Golfo.
Are you a motivated student from the Euro-Mediterranean region looking for an intercultural experience during summer vacation? Have a look at this opportunity.
FocusMéditerranée is an independent online magazine – blog format launched in 2011 by the Italian photo-journalist Silvia Dogliani as a place of dialogue between the two sides of the Mediterranean.