On the 20th of May, the historic city of Palmyra, in Syria, has fallen almost entirely under the control of Islamic State, after the Assad regime evacuated most of its civilians and began withdrawing towards regime strongholds in the west.
On the 20th of May, the historic city of Palmyra, in Syria, has fallen almost entirely under the control of Islamic State, after the Assad regime evacuated most of its civilians and began withdrawing towards regime strongholds in the west.
Giornalista e fotografa. Appassionata di viaggi, Medio Oriente e mondo arabo. Oggi vive a Milano, domani chi lo sa. Ha ideato il progetto FocusMéditerranée, per il quale ha curato la rubrica “Le Bistrot parisien” e scrive di attualità, cultura e immigrazione.
FocusMéditerranée is an independent online magazine – blog format launched in 2011 by the Italian photo-journalist Silvia Dogliani as a place of dialogue between the two sides of the Mediterranean.
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